Sunday, October 23, 2016

Keep your faith strong and you will be strong!

The devil has two master tricks. One is to get us discouraged; then for a time at least we can be of no service to others, and so we are defeated. The other is to make us doubt, thus breaking the faith link by which we are bound to our Father. Lookout! Don not be tricked either way!
God bless your faith!

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Lord Change my heart to desire You

Heavenly Father, King of kings and Lord of lords, give me one pure and holy passion, give me one magnificent obsession, give me one glorious ambition for my know and follow hard after You. Change my heart to desire You above all else in my life. In Jesus' Name, Amen. 

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Lord hear our prayer


                                                      Originally posted December 29, 2011
By Your hands I came into being. Make me useful, Lord, to do that which I was created for. Then, when the time comes, I may stand before you, fulfilled and confident that I have served You well. Amen